Students become like their teachers and the more time they spend with them, the more like them they tend to become. If the church is noticing trends in church youth, Dr. Glen Schultz suggests that teens have been taught to think the way they do. He lists 10 godly principles for educating the next generation. I think his article could help Christians think about they are doing about preparing the next generation to flourish in God's world.
Everyone is homeschooled, but the length of time in that environment isn't the same for everyone. RedeemTV has a documentary-length video about homeschooling through the eyes of those involved in it beyond the normal pre-school age. Although this homeschooling has often been thought of as a "fringe" activity, the number involved has increased as its value has been recognized and problems with other systems have made them less attractive. For Christians looking to prepare the next generation to flourish in God's world starting with their own children, homeschool is becoming a popular option. I have eight grandchildren and can testify that homeschooling can be a great experience that prepares them well for post-homeschooling choices.
You can't start too early to shape a child's view of the world and Elizabeth Urbanowicz impressed me with her practical insight into both the problem of cultural lies and ways to teach Biblical truth. She has a curriculum that is available to teachers of all kinds on her Foundation Worldview website. In a YouTube discussion with Mike Winger of Bible Thinker, Elizabeth discusses the 7 lies and some ideas about how to teach even young children to recognize the truth.
When considering history, most textbooks ignore what is happening within the church even though the lives of individual believers are often important markers of what God is doing on the larger stage of human affairs. It is easy to forget that the ascended Lord of the universe uses His Body, the Church, as His hands and feet to accomplish His purposes on earth. In 5 Minutes in Church History, Stephen Nichols has some 400 podcasts with transcripts. This is a great source of stories to illuminate how God has been working in His world through Christ's Body.
It sometimes seems like home-schooling is a North American phenomena, but Onize Ohikere of Abuja, Nigeria in World magazine, April 21, 2022, talks about how "parents find ways to make teaching their children at home work" from Nigeria to South Africa. She concludes that "if you get teaching your children right, everything else falls into place."
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